[00:00.00]作词 : Avril Lavigne/Nicki Minaj/Mitch Allan/Bonnie McKee

[00:00.56]作曲 : Avril Lavigne/Bonnie McKee/Onika Tanya Maraj/Mitch Allan

[00:01.12]编曲 : Chris Baseford/Caleb Hulin

[00:01.68]Nicki:Young Money Young Money(李尔•韦恩创立的美国唱片公司)

[00:04.41]Avril:I ain’t no dumb blonde 姐可不是什么花瓶女

[00:06.79]I ain’t no stupid Barbie doll 姐可不是什么愚蠢的芭比娃娃

[00:08.93]I got my game on 姐的秀场开始了

[00:10.89]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[00:13.43]Well there you go again tellin’ me where I belong 你又来告诉姐 说要看清自己的位置

[00:17.72]You put me on the bench don’t think that I can play strong 给姐坐冷板凳 还觉得姐会一蹶不振

[00:22.04]So quick to condescend well you think I’m empty I’m not 这么快来秀优越感 好 你还觉得姐空如花瓶 拜托 姐有料得很

[00:26.23]You won’t be so confident when I’m crushin’ you from the top Oh 当姐把你吊打的时候 你就不会这么拽

[00:30.27]I’m a babe I’m a boss and I’m makin’ this money Uh-huh 姐是个宝贝 姐是老板 赚的盆满钵满

[00:34.63]I can flip like a switch and I cut like a blade Try to get it now 姐能伸能屈 也如尖刀般锐利 不然你现在试试

[00:39.00]I can sting like a bee but I’m sweeter than honey Uh-huh 姐可以像蜜蜂一样蜇人 但却比蜜糖还甜美

[00:43.35]And I’m quick as a whip so get outta my way Come and get it now 姐快如跑车 势如破竹 所以别挡道 马上滚

[00:48.24]I ain’t no dumb blonde 姐可不是什么花瓶女

[00:50.43]I ain’t no stupid Barbie doll 姐可不是什么愚蠢的芭比娃娃

[00:52.61]I got my game on 姐的秀场开始了

[00:54.55]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[00:57.04]I ain’t no dumb blonde 姐可不是什么花瓶女

[00:59.17]I am a freaking cherry bomb 姐可是威力十足的杀手锏

[01:01.36]I’ll be your icon 姐会是你追捧的偶像

[01:03.25]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[01:05.48]Stand up everybody 每个人都站起来

[01:07.90]Get up say it loud 站起来大声地说

[01:09.81]We’re bombshells raisin’ hell now 现在我们就是炸弹 让人惊心动魄

[01:12.12]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[01:14.15]Stand up everybody 每个人都站起来

[01:16.64]Get up say it loud 站起来大声地说

[01:18.54]We’re bombshells raisin’ hell now 现在我们就是炸弹 让人惊心动魄

[01:20.68]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[01:23.03]Well there you go again you’re talkin’ down on me Huh 好的 你又来了 说姐是非 贬低姐

[01:27.56]I may look innocent don’t underestimate me Uh-uh 老娘不发威 当我hello kitty

[01:31.84]I’m gold I’m platinum don’t you know I’m outta your league 姐拥有金唱片 白金唱片 难道你不知道你不是姐这个级别的吗

[01:36.19]Step back your time is up sit down I’m takin’ the lead Oh 往后稍稍 没空看你作 乖乖坐下 姐独领风骚

[01:39.92]I’m a babe I’m a boss and I’m makin’ this money Uh-huh 姐是个宝贝 姐是老板 赚的盆满钵满

[01:44.36]I can flip like a switch and I cut like a blade Try to get it now 姐能伸能屈 也如尖刀般锐利 不然你现在试试

[01:48.70]I can sting like a bee but I’m sweeter than honey Uh-huh 姐可以像蜜蜂一样蜇人 但却比蜜糖还甜美

[01:53.11]And I’m quick as a whip so get outta my way Come and get it now 姐快如跑车 势如破竹 所以别挡道 马上滚

[01:57.98]I ain’t no dumb blonde 姐可不是什么花瓶女

[02:00.20]I ain’t no stupid Barbie doll 姐可不是什么愚蠢的芭比娃娃

[02:02.39]I got my game on 姐的秀场开始了

[02:04.34]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[02:06.78]I ain’t no dumb blonde 姐可不是什么花瓶女

[02:08.91]I am a freaking cherry bomb 姐可是威力十足的杀手锏

[02:11.00]I’ll be your icon 姐会是你追捧的偶像

[02:12.87]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[02:15.24]Stand up everybody 每个人都站起来

[02:17.71]Get up say it loud 站起来大声地说

[02:19.61]We’re bombshells raisin’ hell now 现在我们就是炸弹 让人惊心动魄

[02:21.80]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[02:23.90]Stand up everybody 每个人都站起来

[02:26.40]Get up say it loud 站起来大声地说

[02:28.28]We’re bombshells raisin’ hell now 现在我们就是炸弹 让人惊心动魄

[02:30.52]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[02:32.69]Nicki:Yo I ain’t playin’ but I won the cup 不用出场 但姐赢得奖杯

[02:34.62]Came through heavy on it in the Bentley truck (Uh-huh) 坐在宾利车上横扫千军

[02:36.83]It was me young Avril security tucked (Okay) 给我和艾薇儿做好安保措施

[02:38.94]In the back just in case one of y’all run up (Rrr) 待在后方 以防小人背后插刀

[02:41.16]One of y’all um um all of y’all be stuck (Uh-huh) 你 还有这些所有人 都给我老实点

[02:43.34]When you see a young queen in the flesh what’s up (What up ) 当你见到一个活生生的年轻女王驾到 噢怎样

[02:45.55]All the hatin’ you was doin’ got the Barbie poppin’ 所有的黑子现在就是小丑跳梁

[02:47.71]Now all of them wanna be a Barbie I’m watchin’ 都想变成所谓的芭比 姐都看着呢

[02:49.93]But you never gon’ stop me never gon’ top me 但你们永远无法阻挡姐的步伐

[02:52.28]Millions on millions they never gon’ dock me 百万百万地赚 谁也别想阻挡

[02:54.37]I am the prototype the pinkprint 姐就是实实在在的红粉麻辣鸡

[02:56.62]And no I don’t want no frauds wink wink 姐可不想有人威胁姐的说唱地位

[02:58.62]Avril:Oh no 噢 不

[02:59.40]I ain’t no dumb blonde 姐可不是什么花瓶女

[03:01.33]I ain’t no stupid Barbie doll Hell no 姐可不是什么愚蠢的芭比娃娃

[03:03.31]I got my game on 姐的秀场开始了

[03:05.46]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[03:07.87]I ain’t no dumb blonde 姐可不是什么花瓶女

[03:10.09]I am a freaking cherry bomb 姐可是威力十足的杀手锏

[03:12.40]I’ll be your icon 姐会是你追捧的偶像

[03:14.19]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[03:16.33]Stand up everybody 每个人都站起来

[03:18.78]Get up say it loud 站起来大声地说

[03:20.72]We’re bombshells raisin’ hell now 现在我们就是炸弹 让人惊心动魄

[03:23.00]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极

[03:25.05]Stand up everybody Come on 每个人都站起来

[03:27.22]Get up say it loud Let’s go 站起来大声地说

[03:29.37]We’re bombshells raisin’ hell now 现在我们就是炸弹 让人惊心动魄

[03:31.59]Watch me watch me watch me prove you wrong 好好看着姐的实力 证明你的愚蠢至极